Have you ever seen anything quite so ugly as Princess Griselda? Well you haven’t met her mother Queen Greemould yet.
To read about Suzie’s incredible adventure in the sewers of London you’ll have to contact author Jane Waller to buy your copy of Under Buckingham Palace.
You’ll never see London streets, manhole covers or drains in quite the same way ever again. Does your sewer have a family of sludge gulpers, a rat army and slime grubbers?
Here is just a tiny taster from p.70 of the book when Suzie meets Princess Griselda on her amazing adventure:
Princess Griselda was ghastly – the ugliest thing Suzie had ever set eyes on. Splodges of a vivid sulphur yellow tumbled over one another in rich profusion, snugly settling in a series of spare tyres which spanned her lower circumference. Her dark spotted eyes bulged like her arms and legs.
‘She’s… absolutely uglificent… I mean magnificent.’ said Suzie.
You’ll have to buy your copy of Under Buckingham Palace by Jane Waller to hear more of Suzie’s ghastly adventures.
Available directly from Jane at just £6.99 and shortly at Waterstones book stores.